Bella Eye Lavender 19.8 mm - Blue

there's a new brand stock up in my place.. as i read, it's under EOS brand manufacture which is a good news for me as a big fans of EOS lens..hohohohohohohooo 

and,, for the unknown times, i pick up BLUE again wakwkakwkkwkaw 
actually there are 3 color stock : GREY, BROWN, BLUE (GREEN and RED has not available yet)
yet,, i love the blue among the other color awkkawkkaw actually i want the RED one,, but there hasn't been available yet soooooo... let's try the blue first
here's some of the picture (please ignore my shop's watermark)

click to enlarge the image

Brand : Bella Eye
Seri : Lavender
Color Available : Grey, Brown, Blue
Diameter : 19.8 mm
Water Content : 42%
Disposable : 1 years
Power 0 - 800

Now let's see the package

front part is so girly,, lace and pink

back part as well (specification stated in the back)

it comes in blister packaging (safe for a sloppy person like me hhhohohhooho )

here's the contact lens in the blister

the color is soooooooooo yummy blue ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy reminds me of my EOS blytheye blue somehow
and i can't let my hand not to open it wkaokwokaowk  #punch 

 is it really 19.8 mm.. Let's take a ruler because it never lie waaakkkaka~ 

naaaahhhh... as you can see, it's only 16 mm including the transparent part
well.. that's better than 19,8 mm wkakwkakwkakw  16 mm is still tolerable in my eyes and i'm no longer have a jaw drop to see "huge" diameter like this


now, let's start the review


1. DESIGN : 8,5/10

it is a 2 tones contact lens with very simple design which is similar to my hybrid blue or bulle bluegrey but without the hazel part in the inner ring


as you can see there is barely no difference between my left eye with the right one 
this kind of design doesn't enlarge your eyeball, of course for those who like to have a dolly eyes or bigger eyes to look more cute,, this lens is probably not the right choice for you 

3. COLOR : 9,5/10
the blue colour is supaaa dupaaaa vibrant,, it's almost the same as my EOS blytheye blue
in outdoor, maybe it looks a bit creepy for some people to have a vibrant blue eyes especially if you have a dark complexion. Blue color contact lens sometimes creates a pale look, but i don't care waakakkakakak  i love blue contact lens

in a low light room, it looks like a grey contact lens

4. COMFORT : 9,5/10
manufactured by EOS contact lens, i don't need to worry about the comfort
it's so damn comfy.. i almost forget that i already wear the contact lens..
i can use it with no redness, stingy, or itchy for up to 6-7 hours,, also no use of refresh drop

yet, i remind you that the comfy in my eyes maybe different with your eyes because our eyes has different sensitivity level

YES.. i really wanna make a try on the RED one,, so i'll wait patiently

for you who love to have a vibrant color contact lens, you can make a try on this contact lens
maybe you'll love it as well 


Depth ~ Dreamie


  1. Great review, thanks for sharing it here !

    i like the way you present your blog post.

    I will visit your blog more often

    Just for your info. you can also check out for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.

    Enjoy and stay pretty : )


    1. pleasure to know,, thank's ^^)/

      thank's for reading ^^
      Warm Regards


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