Palty Bleaching Series : Natural Brown

last time (before i started to work) i used PALTY BLEACHING SERIES : GOLD BROWN and that's made my hair in shocking color for some people (while i think that's not shocking aakakakakka )
you can see my review HERE

here's some of the photos when my hair in gold color

(on my review : EYECANDY BELLE GREEN)

i really miss my gold hair 

actually there's no rules that i can't dye my hair in a shocking (even strange) color 
but,, yaaaaaaa i cant make other people shocking as well laaaa~ so i started to dye my hair darker
i used PALTY CARAMEL LATTE first, and i dyed my hair again using PALTY VANILLA BEIGE (umm..i guess i dye my hair every 3 months)

this is the result when i used the very last PALTY VANILA BEIGE

it's so daarrkkk aaaaaa  and my black roots (though it's not so visible) started to come up after 3 months 

before i spent my last box of PALTY VANILA BEIGE, i started to eyeing the bleaching series back hohohohohoo  but this time i don't wanna purchase gold brown anymore, i wanna make a try on the natural brown, since it's not so overly bright image

and,, tadaaaaaaaa,, this box came in my house lalalalalaaaa 

Back Box image
umm,, i don't know if i (for so long) do mistake to read the chart result, but i think the first row is for virgin hair (black hair which never be dyed before)
the second row is for hair which ever be dyed,, so i guess i'll have the second row result image

as usual, it's consist of :
BOTTLE to mix stuff in (no 2)
TUBE of the hair colour (no 1)
INSTRUCTION (though all in Japanese, but the pictures make you easier to understand, so don't worry)

the different with the other bleaching series is it has no bleaching powder ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy
eerrrrrr  i'm afraid the color will not so obviously come up,, yet i'm so curious about this stuff hahahahaha  so i'll make a try

what you need to do..?
mix the tube (no 1) into the bottle,, shake well for about 20 seconds,, then apply it in your hair
you have to wait for about 30 minutes (i made it 45 minutes, wakwkakwkkakwkw ) dont too long ya because it can cause dryness into your hair and that's not nice..... i swear 

then the result is



the result is not as same as the chart.. yet i still  it haahahahhaahaa  at least it's a bit bright then my last hair color ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy

ABSOLUTELY A BIG YES ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy
but, nowadays, it's a bit rare to get this hair dye, because palty is more concentrate on their bubble foam series, i haven't tried any palty bubble, maybe next time, i still in a very love with this series hahaahhaaa 

FYI, i'm a big fan of PALTY hair product, especially for it's hair dye 
it doesn't make my hair become dry, wrinkled, crumpled or what you name it, yet it's so smooth and lovely to touch ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy
and not forget about the lovely floral scent that makes me always enjoy every time i dye my hair 


Depth ~ Dreamie


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