Lipsense : Gold Champagne, Cappucinno, Pearl Gloss, Glossy Gloss

let's forget awhile that i'm a big fans of lip tint kwaowkoakwkaw  because i just fell in love a very incredible lippie products 

i guess this product is well-known world wide since some famous artists such as Christina Aguilera, Drew Barrymore, etc often show up in the ads with this stuff

so, in the previous time i was so crazy about the stuff named LIP TINT,, you can see my previous post la .. ahahahahah  there're so many lip tint i've bought,, but then i read one of the forum was discussing about a product called LIPSENSE which had an incredible feedback from those who used it 
going too curious about it, i did some google and found some of the reviews were poisoning me badly *argh* image

so i started to look for any online shop in my country to purchase this stuff, but honestly the price was a bit shocking me image (at first) but then i realize that the price is equal with the quality you get

if you are tired to end up with your lipstick or other lippie products that always stain every where and not so long lasting  (at last they just end up in your drawer or even in ur trash) try this very fantastic lippie product..
why i said that.. u'll know it soon デコメ of emoticons (* / □ \ *) cute girl and boy

my first introduction to this product led me to my next next and next over spend wkawkakwkakwwkawk  so prepare your budget yaaaa #punch 

Lipsense and Lipsense gloss have similar packaging, a small cylinder packaging made from plastic (which is save for a sloppy person like me) with gold nice handy cap. For the lipsense's tube, it has a dark blue label with gold print, and for the lipsense gloss, it's transparent with a dark blue print (i can easily see the stuff inside)

the name's label is in the bottom of the tube, make sure you dont peel that off wkkakakkaa 

Gold Champagne = orange base colour with a lil shimmer

cappucinno = brown base (i can say it's a nude pink), matte
suitable for base (1st layer)

some of the mix of this product on my lippie

2 layers of cappucinno image

(please excuse my terrible lippie condition)

Lipsense's texture is watery and dry supa dupa fast even faster than lip tint   so you need to work fast when applying it, because once it dries, it will be hard to remove it, you need more than a make up remover, but dont worry, lipsense has an OOPS REMOVER for ya~
At the first time I applied it on my lippie, I felt the burning sensation (especially in the peeled off area) which shocked me.. image as i did Google, i got this information :
"Before application If your lips are dry you will feel a burning sensation, but it's nothing and goes away. The more you use the lipsense the less burning you will feel, because your lips will be in better condition from using the product."
errrr,, okay,, so my lippie is in terrible condition so i will feel that heck burning sensation every time i apply this stuff on my lippie...GUUHHHRREEEEEEAAAAATTTTT..*head desk* image

my first try on this products was not so friendly, not only burning feeling sensation in my first time trying, but also after 4-5 hours, the lipsense started to flacky  i thought (at the first time) it just a general issue since my lippie is terribly dry.. but after using it a week, there's no difference, i started to feel disappointed with this product 

but then i tried to apply lip balm underneath it.. the result is soooooooooooooooo hilarious image
the lipsense stays all day long in my lippie  no burning sensation  and it feels soooooooooo smooth 
once i apply lipsense in my lippie,, it will stay for a day...image i swear ALL DAY LONG, no need to re-apply the lipsense.. just re-apply the gloss every 2-3 hours to make your lippie smoother and smoother because the gloss is the moisturizer 

a bit about the GLOSS, it's pretty thick and very moisturizing
use that as your last coat and re apply it every 2 hours to make your lippie more and more smoother
my fave so far is glossy gloss because it is transparent so it will create a very natural look with no glitter or anything else.

and while making this post, i already purchased another lipsense,, wakwkkakwkakw 
Luv It image

let see the swatch

waterproof test image
see..? it doesn't move from their place even just a lil

rub and smudge test image
FYI i rub it very hard (see the redness on my skin which kinda scary akakakakaka )

a few minutes's gone,, but it's not smear or smudge

another interesting part..
as you know that we have to apply lipsense in 3 layers and end up with the gloss to lock the color, different color's order will have a different result as well.....Fantastic...image try and you'll love it

my lippie pict spaaaammmsssssss....... WATCH OOOUUTTT..image

 image1x cappucinno + 2x luv it + glossy gloss (outdoor) image

image 1x cappucinno + 2x luv it + glossy gloss (under dim light) image

Have a fabulous day


Depth ~ Dreamie


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