MY LENS (taken on the end of DEC 2012)

ahaaayyy,,long time no posting

this time, i wanna share my lens collection until the end of DEC 2012
actually i've posted in my FB,, but then i have to do this and that,,anddd yaaaaaa~ forget laaa

okaaaayy,,,so here it is ^o^

fynale hime black - dueba princess nudy blue - vaidurya blue
mimo violet - geo nudy green - princess miu2 grey
anime lens cpF1 - geo golden blue - dueba natural 3tones grey
super barbie rainbow pink

dueba princess nudy blue - mimo violet - geo golden blue - dueba natural 3tones grey

dueba crystal.i grey
dueba ghotic turqouise
geo super nudy blue
barbie super nudy blue
geo twins yh304
pop c.light grey
geo anime cp-a7

hmmmm,,did you notice?i dont have green and brown lens..ahahahaha
why?dunno either,,but i still like blue lens a lot,,and grey
maybe nest time i'll try green and brown lens :D

thank's for stopping by
Depth ~ Dreamie


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