This time, i wanna make a review about my new lens : VIVIAN PINEAPPLE
the name sound cute isnt it? =))
so here is the lens
i purchase 2 colours,,VIOLET n GREEN \:D/

Diameter : 17,2mm
Water Content : 48%
Colour : Grey, Brown, Green, Blue, Violet

Minus 0 - 500
0, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500

nice design isnt it..??
i really love the design,,i think it's gonna be cute xDD

 a closer look in my eyes
out door, with the help of sunlight..ahahahhaa
the blink is so adorable >w<
i can sit in front of the mirror a whole day long if i wear this lens..wkakwkwakwa *lebay*
it's so kawaaaaiiii

then,,here we go for the review


• LENS : on my hand the green colour is pretty,,since it is 3tones which means that I LOVE IT..!!kawawkoawkowakwaowakwko
pretty soft n thin

• DESIGN (8.5/10) : 3tones colour with green n almost gold transparant line,,pretty KAWAI,,,hohoohooh~

• COLOUR (9/10) : this is my 2nd green lens..wkakwkkawkwa...3tones?dont ask me..wkkwakwakwa..i'll absolutely say YES!xDDDD
in outdoor,,the blink is more brighter than my nudy green,,which is I LOVE IT..wkwakwkwkwkawwka..
n this 3tones design lens turns ur eyes into a cat eyes..wakkwkwkaw..hontou ni kawai~
suitable for daily use especially if u lookin for a kawai green colour
in the low light room,,the green colour is turns into a black colour,,blink light black xDD juz like the other >_<"
it makes ur eyes shiny,,like a crystal especially if u wear it outside..soooooo adorableeee ♥ ♥

• ENLARGEMENT (9.5/10) : 17.2mm for it real size,,but it dont look like 17mm,,juz like 16mm >_<
good for me who has a small eyes,,the enlargement is still tolerable lah~ XDD

• COMFORT (8/10) :i think my new solution works well..wakwkwkwak..
pretty comfy for about 4 to 5 hours use,,after that i hv to use a solution drop,,but i feel a lil bit itchy (maybe i dont really clean it,,try to clean it later)

• OVERALL (9/10) : design?absolutely yes
enlargement n comfy?average laa~

Repurchase..??dunno yet,,since i have the violet one...hohohoo~

Dreamie Chuppa


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