Review : Palty Gold Brown

today (17-03-2012) i dye my hair again using the rest of palty gold brown that i have for the previous experiments..wkakwkakwk
so in this week,,i dye my hair twice...huahhahahahaha

ah yaaaa~ for those who want to double dye like me,,pleaseee give a break time for ur hair
it's suggested at least a week if u want to use another hair dye

so these are stuff that u got in the box
(from left to right)
2 instructions (gloves included)
the box/packaging (Tsubasa is always pretty >w<)
no 2 oxyde water (in the bottle)
comb (in front of the bottle)
bleaching powder (in the sachet)
no 1 colour bleach pasta (in the tube)
conditioner (use after wash ur hair)

steps :
mix the ingredient no 1 (bleach colour in the tube) into the bottle contains of oxyde water,,add bleaching powder,,then shake well
apply it all over ur hair~
because my previous hair already has a light colour,,so i only leave it for about 20 minutes,,because it's already shocking me..wkakwkwak
soooooooooooooo bright >w< so i decided to wash my hair after 20 minutes
and,,here is the result of mine

this is the result before drying it
left : there are 2 colours..wkakwkkwak..for the inside part,,it's almost yellow...and the outside part it's light brown orange
right : after i comb my colour..wkakwkwakawkwakwak..

 this is after my hair purfectly dry

left : indoor,,but believe me,,the real colour was brighter than that...more brighter >w< it's more yellow i guess
well,,i'll try to catch the colour again later~

right : outdoor,,a combination between orange n a bit light yellow..wakwkkwaakwkawkw..
3 of my frens said "are u insane..??" xDDD

one thing that i love the most about this hair colour is,,though it's a bleaching series,,it doesnt make ur hair so dry, wrinkled, crumpled or something
just regularly use a conditioner everytime u wash ur hair,,it help a lot to make ur hair smooth~
hohohohohooh~ thing again (so it becomes two things xDD) i like the scent..wakwkwkakwa..floral scent
i alwys enjoy the scent xDDD

ahh and the last one (so i guess it becomes 3..wkkwakwakwa xDD..!!)
when u wash it,,the colour stay still in ur hair,,no fade out, no printed in ur towel..!!

that's why i love it so much..wakkakwakawkkw
my hair now juz like the picture in the PALTY GOLD BROWN box (a lil bit brighter i suppose..)
for now,,juz enjoy my colour,,wkkawkwakwak though when im walking aroung,,ppl looking at me

love..??absolutely,,but still a bit shocking..this is the brightest colour i ever have so i guess next time i'll try sparkling blonde..hiayahahahahaha #digaplok

actually before dyed with this colour, i've dyed my hair using PALTY MILK TEA n PALTY VANILLA BEIGE


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