
5 days ago (12-03-2012)
i made a gamble..hiyakakkakakaka..
i mixed up palty normal series VANILA BEIGE with the bleaching series GOLD BROWN

for vanilla beige,,i use all the stuff but for gold brown,,i just use the colour n bleaching powder
actually,,the oxyde water between normal series and bleaching series is different, FYI.

ok let's see the box first
  aaahhhh...!!i forget to take a photo of the back  T^T

left : the last time i used vanilla beige (around 5 months ago)
n now my hair turn into half black, half reddish brown

AFTER : use the mix between PALTY VANILLA BEIGE n GOLD BROWN,,leave it 10 minutes only..hwahwhhwa

NB : the photo took in the same day,,jus different time,,before dying n after dying~

well,,actually this is my first time in combining 2 kinds of hair a lil bit dagdigdug dhueeerrr

okay,,let's proceed to the step
first i mix the stull from vanilla beige,,no 2 (oxyde water in the bottle) and no 1,,the colour pasta
shake it for about 10 seconds,,then i add no 1 from GOLD BROWN (the colour pasta) n the bleaching powder a lil bit
i got shoooccckkkeeedddd...!!the mixed ingredient become purple and a lil bit warm..!! OMG..!!
ummm...if u only mixed up the VANILLA BEIGE ingredients, after several minutes,,the ingredients will turn from white into purple,,but this's directly turns into purple >w< eeewwww~

finally after i set my heart (wkkawkwkwa..lebay) i apply it into my hair
i only leave it for about 10-13 minutes only,,n my hair turn into the right picture~
whiiiiiccchhhh isss,,,it is 20-25 minutes if using vanilla beige only

the process only takes a half time,, faster laa~
but i think i dont spread it evenly,,so i still have a black roots there~

colour result,,ummm..well actually i love the colour orange dark brown,,but i guess it's not so bright enough as what i want..wakowkokaowkoak


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